My name is Piotr Nowacki and I’m an illustrator and comic book artist based in Warsaw, Poland. I create comics, illustrate books and magazines for children, and many other things.
2012 - Polish comics: stories in bubbles at Levinsky College of Education, Tel Awiw, Izrael (group show)
2015 - Polish Comics Odyssey at Ekdoseis Metaixmio Book Store , Athens, Greece (group show)
2017 - Comics from Poland at Stockholm House of Culture & City Theatre, Stockholm, Sweden (group show)
2018 - "Comics From Poland" during 11. China International Comics Festival, Guangzhou, China (group show)
2022 - La bande dessinée polonaise au FESTIVAL D’ANGOULÊME, Angoulême, France (group show)
2024 - El cómic polaco aterriza en Barcelona during 42. Festival Comic Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain (group show)